Michael | A Birth Story

This family drove in from Augusta to birth with a doctor that specializes in VBAC's in Atlanta.  Mom text me at 3 am that they were loading up the car and heading to the hospital, with contractions 3-5 min apart. She was very nonchalant, not even sure if she was in active labor and making any progress-- so I was very surprised at 5:18 when I got the next text that they were in triage at the hospital and she dilated 7 cm! This shows you what a rockstar mom was. I was in their room shooting 30 minute later! Three hours after arriving, Michael "Jett" made his grand debut. Mom labored and delivered like a champion with the support of her husband, and big sister was right by their side. One of my favorites parts of this story was documenting her excitement for her little brother. Happy Birthday, Jett!

(Thank you to this family for sharing their birth story! Some extras images below. So much black and white love!)